Yesterday we had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Dr. Ittel, President of TU Braunschweig (3rd from left), to INVENT. She was accompanied by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hecker, Vice President for Research (3rd from right) and Mr. Saathoff, Deputy Managing Director of Transfer Services (4th from right). After we introduced them to INVENT GmbH in more detail, our students Enola and Maximilian reported on their compulsory internship, which they are completing in our company as part of their studies. Afterwards, there was enough time to discuss future cooperation opportunities. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Ittel, Prof. Dr-Ing. Hecker and Mr. Saathoff for their visit and we look forward to working together in the future.
“Kleine Löcher mit großer Wirkung”
Ende August wurde das vom BMWK-geförderte Vorhaben mibos – Mikrobohren von Sandwichwerkstoffen – erfolgreich abgeschlossen.