Dear Friends and Fans of Europe in Space,

in the name of all members of our pan-European WeLEA-consortium we proudly present the link to the new movie on the Deployable Large European Antenna (LEA).

In the last movie in September 2019, we focussed on the applications, the engineering and the breadboard campaign. Now, our LEA-X5-PFM (5 m deployable reflector, 5 m deployable arm (made by INVENT), HDRM, harness, electronics, etc.), co-funded by the European Commission under the H2020 program, is under assembly. We have started to prepare for the qualification campaign reaching TRL8 for C/X-band applications by the end of 2020.


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In 2027 we are going to provide a rotating 8 m deployable reflector, operating from L- up to Ka-band, to the Copernicus Candidate Mission CIMR. On this road, the WeLEA team is currently manufacturing under contract to ESA the LEA-K8r Engineering Model (reflector „LEOB“ plus arm „LADEA“), reaching by end of 2020 TRL5 and TRL 6 by April 2021.

Watch out for the next movie in October 2020.

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