In search of dark matter: Braunschweig-based lightweight construction specialist INVENT GmbH contributes significantly to the success of the European Space Agency (ESA) satellite mission EUCLID
Launch of the Heinrich Hertz mission. INVENT GmbH has made significant contributions to the Heinrich Hertz satellite mission on behalf of OHB System AG.
Coming soon – the Space Tech Expo will open its doors on 15.11.2022 in Bremen. Visit us at our booth in hall 5, booth number G11. For B2B meeting contact us or use the B2B Matchmaking.
Als Teil der H2Sat Ka-Band-Antenne hat der 1,1 m groĂźe CFK-Reflektor seine Qualifikationstests erfolgreich absolviert. FĂĽr die Fertigung des Reflektors